3 Advanced Digital Diagnostic Imaging Technologies in 2019

With highly professional manufacturers and developers of digital diagnostic imaging technologies , diagnosis and imaging have really entered to the next level. When we look at them in 2019, they have really become advanced, accurate and more reliable than ever. Various monitoring systems running on the beefed-up workstations are easily available globally, but you get a very few on which you can rely on. Here are a few trendy technologies that have been excessively used in finding accurate results that term help save a lot of lives: 1. Hybrid Imaging Hybrid Imaging is one of the most sought-after imaging technology advancements. Systems like PET/CT have changed how imaging is done throughout the world. Also, hybrid SPECT/CT and PET/MRI systems have come into notice. These systems are able to give precise images with improved resolution than standalone systems. These systems also give morphological and physiological information through a single examination. 2. Low Ionizin...